Resolution of construction contract dispute

AVERUM LEGAL assisted in resolving a commercial dispute involving a counterparty demand to the Client for the recognition of a supplementary agreement to a construction contract, which included additional recognition of ownership rights to real estate with a total value of approximately USD 2,200,000.

On behalf of the Client (GalZhytloBud), AVERUM LEGAL attorneys provided a rebuttal to the plaintiff’s position and method of defence, pointing out the illegality of their actions. During the court proceedings, the opponent ultimately decided to withdraw the claim and settle the matter by agreeing with the Client. As a result, a court order was obtained to close the commercial case.

In preparing the legal position for this case, AVERUM LEGAL team of lawyers thoroughly analysed all documents and circumstances related to the construction and real estate. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of the specialists, numerous legal inaccuracies in the plaintiff’s position were identified, allowing for a convincing refutation of their claims.
Additionally, the attorneys prepared detailed legal opinions substantiating the impossibility of concluding the supplementary agreement on the counterparty terms. As a result of the effective defence strategy developed by AVERUM LEGAL lawyers, it was possible not only to avoid negative consequences for the Client but also to achieve significantly more favourable terms for dispute resolution.

Due to their professionalism and diligence, AVERUM LEGAL ensured the protection of the Client interests and the preservation of their property rights. This case is yet another testament to the high level of legal expertise and the responsible approach taken in every Client case.
